The Pomps Record New Songs with RareBreed Recording Company
The Pomps announce they’ve recorded 6 new songs with the RareBreed Recording Company
Boston-based band The Pomps brings together a refreshing blend of new wave, ska, and reggae. Featuring Alex Stern, Casey Gruttadauria, Rick Smith, and Jameson Hollis.
The Pomps announce they’ve recorded 6 new songs with the RareBreed Recording Company
True to his word, Boston song-smith Alex Stern is cranking out the tunes on a weekly basis.
Since we last checked in with him in January, Big D guitarist and Pomps frontman Alex Stern has released another six songs as part of his song-a-week-in-2015 campaign.
Because he’s not busy enough Boston singer/songwriter Alex Stern will release one song each week in 2015.
This Friday, Lenny Lashley (formerly of Darkbuster, and who currently plays in the Street Dogs) will be performing an acoustic solo set at The Last Safe and Deposit Company in downtown Lowell.
We present first event at O’Brien’s in Allston featuring The Pomps, The Screw-ups, Meracula, and more!
Boston ska/punk band A Guy Named Guy will support 4 New England Days of Survay Says’ Record Release Tour
Rogue 617 and Middlesex Lounge in Cambridge will host a semi-acoustic evening with some of the best talent and musicianship in the Boston ska scene
TT The Bear’s in Cambridge hosts a Benefit for Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) with Boston Ska/punk bands The Pomps, Stray Bullets, and OC45
For one reason or another, there just hasn’t been so much live video of Boston ska band The Pomps on YouTube. Now there is!