Talking Band Promotion with D.I.Why Radio

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This past Sunday we were invited into the WEMF’s D.I.WHY radio show. Hosted by Andrew “F-Word” Lowery of SHOP Productions, Meracula, and FORT! The Band, the show seeks to explore DIY methods, processes, and ethics as it pertains to the music business. The topic for this week’s show was “Promotion and How to be a Viral Internet Sensation.” Other guests included the folks behind the Boston Compass/Boston Hassle and the band Sexy Coyote. We discussed methods of promoting one’s band, being a part of a community, and making your music accessible. It was a really great conversation and I enjoyed learning from the other folks on the panel. We also enjoyed a live performance from Sexy Coyote. Download or stream the recording here.

Tune in to D.I.Why radio on WEMF every Sunday from 2 to 4pm for discussions just like these.

This was our second visit to WEMF. The first time was back in November to help promote the Boston Scene Party partnership. Listen to that show here.